Pricing & Selling Magic Items
“You walk into a magic shop. The owner is a grizzled old—”
“Does he have 4 sets of Mariners armor? How much do they cost??” “What about a Potion of Superior Healing?” “I need to upgrade my armor to +1! Can she do that?!”

Making Overworld Travel Fun
It’s easy to gloss over, or even dismiss, probably the most in-game time-consuming aspect of TTRPGs: travel. If characters spend 3 weeks walking/riding/sailing from one plot thread to another, and deal with the “important” stuff in 2 days, why shouldn’t we make the journey as fun as the destination? Here are some ways to make Overworld travel more interesting for players.

Dealing with Player Conflict at the Table
We all know those kinds of players. Or maybe you are one of those kinds of players.
Let’s talk about how to handle personality clashes or troublesome player habits when at the table.

How to Play D&D Online
“Sorry, the Displacer Beast bit your left hand off.”
“What? I think you’re muted...”
“Oh. That better? Okay, you’re now a one-handed dwarf, like this!” shares screen

Dungeons & Dragons: 3.5e vs. 5th Edition
While 5th Edition (5e) D&D has been out and running for well over half-a-decade, some still prefer the acclaimed 3.5e. Why is that? Are they crazy?

Is it worth it to hire a Professional Dungeon Master?
“Why should I pay to play when I can just read the books and DM a game myself?”
…Let me tell you.

Creating the Perfect Dungeon Map or Puzzle-Trap
As a Dungeon Master, one of the trickiest parts of running a game is creating maps and puzzles/traps. There are plenty of books out there with pre-made dungeons and trap ideas, but after a while, your players will know what to expect. So what can you do to keep your games fresh and original? Read on for some tips!

Dungeon Maps & Puzzle-Traps (cont.)!
Our last post focused on building your very own dungeon and populating it with monsters and threats…this time, we’ll dive more deeply into puzzle and trap construction, with some nifty ideas for your next dungeon!